Josef hírek

2011.07.10. 11:52

Govt launches Roma scholarship scheme

Budapest, July 7 (MTI) - The Hungarian government plans to launch a 3-billion-forint (EUR 11.35m) scholarship scheme from September, half of which will be targeted at Roma youth, the state secretary in charge of social inclusion said on Thursday.

Budapest, July 7 (MTI) - The Hungarian government plans to launch a 3-billion-forint (EUR 11.35m) scholarship scheme from September, half of which will be targeted at Roma youth, the state secretary in charge of social inclusion said on Thursday.

Zoltan Balog told Roma graduates in Siofok in western Hungary that never before had such a significant amount of money been available for this purpose. The scholarship scheme is expected to help Roma youth complete studies in secondary schools and in higher education, he added.


The conditions of participation in the scheme will include maintaining a high level of academic achievement throughout the scholarship period, Balog said.

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