Josef hírek

2010.12.12. 11:33

Jobbik proposes vetting committee on WikiLeaks info

<p>Budapest, December 9 (MTI) - The radical nationalist Jobbik party has proposed setting up a vetting committee to deal with information leaked by whistle-blower WikiLeaks according to which US diplomats had been instructed to collect information in Hungary, the deputy group leader of the party said on Thursday.</p>

Janos Volner said it was necessary to set up a committee because the government had no plans to take effective measures in connection with the leaked documents.

    He quoted US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks and reported by British daily The Guardian according to which US diplomats in Hungary had been instructed to compile "biometric" data on current and emerging leaders and advisors, and research for declared and secret energy agreements with Russia, Caspian basin countries, and others.  

    On Tuesday, Volner filed a report to police against unknown perpetrators for alleged spying revealed by WikiLeaks and a neglect to report such activities to police.

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