Josef hírek

2010.12.26. 11:44

OSCE representative criticises Hungary media law

<p>Vienna, December 22 (MTI) - Dunja Mijatovic, Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), repeatedly criticised Hungary s media package on Wednesday, saying that the law just passed violated OSCE media freedom standards, endangering editorial independence and media pluralism.</p>

Mijatovic said she was concerned that the Hungarian media law, "if misused", could silence criticism in the media and stifle public debate. She noted that the law applied the same principles for broadcasters, as well as for print and online media, which was against OSCE s norms.     

    She also criticised the "unusually broad powers" granted to the newly formed national media authority and media council "led exclusively by members supported by the governing party".

    "Such concentration of power in regulatory authorities is unprecedented in European democracies, and it harms media freedom," Mijatovic said.

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