Josef hírek

2012.12.29. 22:36

Roma inclusion matter of national strategy, says minister

Budapest, December 29 (MTI) - Roma inclusion in Hungary is not only a human rights issue but also a matter of national strategy, Minister for Human Resources Zoltan Balog told daily Magyar Nemzet in an interview published on Saturday.

Budapest, December 29 (MTI) - Roma inclusion in Hungary is not only a human rights issue but also a matter of national strategy, Minister for Human Resources Zoltan Balog told daily Magyar Nemzet in an interview published on Saturday.

The related problems should be tackled in their economic, social and educational context because otherwise they will hinder the country s competitiveness, Balog said.


The government is determined to help the Roma and lift them from poverty but they must also be made aware of having responsibility for their fate, he added.


The minister also stressed the need to strengthen the Roma middle class.

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