Josef hírek

2010.12.26. 11:41

PM Orban appoints heads of county govt offices

<p>Budapest, December 23 (MTI) - Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Thursday appointed heads for Hungary s new county-level government offices.</p>

In his address to the new officials, Orban said that they were expected to build an "accurate and friendly" public administration, one which "people will not consider as an obstacle". Orban added that the appointees had one year to "put things in order" and free public administration "of all ballast" at the structure s medium level.

    Orban warned the new officials that they may find "chaos, disarray and obscure legal conditions" because Hungarian statehood had "lost its respect" during the past few years and it is now "unable to serve its basic functions".

    The new county heads - mostly representatives of the ruling Fidesz or allied Christian Democratic parties - were nominated for appointment by Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics.

    The new offices - one for the 19 counties each and another one in Budapest - were initiated by the centre-right Fidesz government as part of its public administration reform and will open on January 1.

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