Josef hírek

2010.12.19. 11:44

CoE GenSec asks for gov t information on new constitution

<p>Vienna, December 17 (MTI) - The General Secretary of the Council of Europe has asked the Hungarian government to provide information on the crafting of its new constitution, Transparency International Hungary, a human rights group, told MTI in a statement on Friday.</p>

In a letter addressed to Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi, Thornbjorn Jagland "urged the government to draw on the expertise of the Venice Committee when drafting the new constitution."

    Jagland said that the new constitution will give an opportunity for rethinking the recent amendment which curtailed the Constitutional Court s powers, the statement said.

    Hungarian civil organisations, among them Transparency International Hungary, have turned to Jagland for guidance in connection with the government s constitution plans and asked the Venice Committee to provide an opinion.

    The centre-right Fidesz government plans to have the new constitution passed by next spring.

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